#play games
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dialalagirl · 16 days ago
no honey
An actual fire took place at school today and we were sent home early bc of it <3
reiji- thank you ever so kindly for elucidating what was already obviously implied. it certainly is the case that I do not have the highest intellect of all my brothers or the top positions at mensa. undoubtably, without your help, I would have never figured it out
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in honour of my gratitude, I assign you laundry duty for a month
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dimalink · 11 months ago
Winter season Red Orchestra Killing Floor
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For last month I do not play a lot. Mainly it was two games from Tripware. Red Orchestra and Killing Floor. I take this games in steams on sales. It is two games from one developer. Two of them are network battles. In both of them you can play single player maps. And I was doing this. I play in free time. About to play half an hour or about 10-15 min.
Games are about the same idea from one side - they are about maps. And you run them and shoot. But in different stylization settings. And different dynamic tempo.
Red Orchestra – it is was released earlier. There are about maps about second world war. There are lots of maps here. Every map is playing the different ways.  There are locations at the field. There is like city. And they are playing very different. There are even maps about vehicles. For example, tank. I more prefer maps like field. And city too. Depending on the map you feel the game different.
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There are different weapons. Pistil. Machinegun. Automatic rifle, automatic, machinegun, sub machine gun. Different rifles. Weapons from ww2. So here you need to select a different soldiers. Rifleman, automatic gun soldiers. And two sides USSR and German side. I am for USSR only try to play. Every soldier has its own weapon pack. For example, automatic gun or rifle. There is grenade.
It is playing like a game with a big scale. Scale is big. I played with bots. So, first go to console with tilda. And write addbots 20. I can add onlky20 bots ingame. So it is more fun. Maps are big so by the idea, the more players – more fun it is.
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 For example, we play as a soldier with rifle. Ussr. Map at the field. For example, summer. And there are maps with winter. They are feels as very different. And, it is summer. Rifle. Run forward. Maps are big, locations is wide. Field, river. Open space. With us also running another soldiers. They are different. It is starting a shooting. You cannot see - what side it goes. Somewhere from a far. You need to sit and find a cover.
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And next – to move a point, where you can see enemies. And fire at him. It is good to lay on earth. Do not forget to move.
 Game for action is not absolutely dynamically. It is not a super fast quake with fast jumping. But everything is rather realistically. But instead of this, this is like a simulation. Crawl, lay down, go, run. Shoot. Rifle need to be reloaded. This is not a sub machinegun. But instead of this you can have a good aiming.
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Automatic weapons are excellent about more closer distance. You rush from a side and start to fire.
Maps are very different. There are maps in winter. Trenches. Trees. And snow. And again start a fire. And you cannot see what place it is fire. Who. Where. Need to move forward. To enemy lines. Or in another case, enemy will control your points. It is about a controlling points to define everything. Absolutely new game looks at winter maps. I think all that goes here, is very realistically.
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There is a map like blood forest. Or forest of blood. So, it has a big lines of trenches. And you need to rush into them. And it is going all the time shooting there. It is very fast and so unpredictable. There is a moment of luck or no luck. So here automatic weapon is a good thing. Narrow space. Lots of enemies. And you cannot know where is enemy. You can watch in a wrong direction.
There are cities. In ruins. Destroyed buildings. Whole buildings. Open spaces. City streets. Every type of a map feels unique and each map it is interesting to try out. You don’t know what to expect next time. In a memory these scenes. Winter.  You are with automatic rifle is going by snow. Walking though ruins of buildings. And a little further – it is a railway and open space. And just from there, immediately, they start to shoot at you.  Enemy is there - behind the wagons. And he is shooting a lot from that position. There are lots of theme.
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There is a map with even more destroyed city. There is a map and trenches. And it is summer already. There are different maps for your choice. In a mountains, in field.
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Second game – it is Killing Floor. And it is the same format. By network as idea. But you can play alone. And here it is another idea. You are alone or in team. I play it with brother too, by network. And you are against waves of enemies. So here it is about another game. Some dark locations. Zombies and monsters. Experimental some mutants are raging out. And dark as in a horror movie. Locations are waving horror. True horror. Style of Resident Evil, there is something. And here it is more dynamical action.
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In this horror it is goes action about shooting enemies. Enemies are different zombies. Big and casual. You are running the map.  As by labyrinth. You can buy weapons between the waves of enemies. So here you have also different weapons. And you can find something interesting. Shotguns, automatic rifles, AK47, all of these there are here, pistols exists. Cold weapons also exist. You have a list to select.
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It is playing as a cool horror and action. I think this way can be a DOOM. As a main idea. If it will have a story and typical maps. But game is main about a shooting, crossfires. And waves of enemies. In the final it will be a boss. You are inside of a horror movie about zombies and mutants. But with lots of weapons. It can be scary. At some places. But you need to move. You need to shoot.
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 There are lots of maps too. They are different. There are several game mods. About maps with waves of enemies and mode with small tasks, it looks like tasks. There are also a maps for this mode. It is various, different and good horror action.
There are absolutely scary locations. As some laboratories with black metal around the walls. It is very dark. And rooms are destroyed. And lots of monsters. It is so uncomfortable in a such places.
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There locations – oppositive. Like farm. Field. Road. And somewhere in a field the are – zombies and mutants, unholy. It is night also.
Weapons you need to buy for money you get from killed monsters. Between waves of enemies. You can have some pause between next wave. And this way you can try very different weapon. It is very interesting. And there are good pistols and shotguns. So, you start with something simple and next you get something very progressive into your hands. You can take with yourself several types of weapons.
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I remember how I play this game with brother for a New Year about several hours. It is very cool and dynamical. Hurricane. Trash. Horror. Shooting. So, we played very normal. Game is rather trasher style. Like Doom, about stylization. Darkness thing. And ocean of shooting. Running a corridors, which are dark. And shoot the monsters. It is happening, that we wait for them for some time. Sit and wait. What side they will go.
Here you can to manage enemy waves, what enemies it will be. Long time of waves with enemies. I do not try this options a lot. But there are some settings. So, it is also rather good game. And you alone also can cool to shake zombies heads. With a pistol with good aiming. First. Second. Everyone straight in a head. With aiming.
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There is a game mode like a network – with maps and just enemy waves. And also, there are tasks, you get some tasks. Also, its own maps. Go there. Find a in container something.  First you need to open this container. And there are lots of them. In a certain one it will be a required item. Later you will need to go next. And there is a place you need to do also something. To move forward. Location has a normal size. So, you need some time to find. There is a place to put a tactics. And all the time enemies to appear. You need to shoot all the time.
These two games I played in a winter. So now I think I will try something new. And these games I will play with pleasure also!
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Playing little games. From time to time i like to play videogames. And write about it. Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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hashimablog · 4 months ago
ʏᴀ ᴄᴀsɪ 7 añitos🤧
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yummycrummy · 2 years ago
Have Manny ever make a slumber party with the kids of the neighborhood like Claire, Lily and Todney?
They would definitely be the kind of gremlins that makes something like that on Manny's house without the permission of their parents, though they somehow manage to do it anyway
Awww id think he would!! He loves having sleepovers :D They'd all get together on the weekend and watch a movie, like Toy Story :]
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tinychubbysubbygamer · 4 months ago
Due to unforeseen circumstances (My traitorous brain has decided that productivity is my enemy today) I regret to inform you(me) that I shall in fact NOT be accomplishing anything. As such I have made the difficult decision to dedicate myself to more ethereal pursuits (get stoned all day). Thank you for your patience during this difficult time.
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year ago
Starting the morning listening to Chatterbox tho
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princetristandaily · 2 years ago
Tristan: Papa can we play a game?
Meliodas: Soon bud I gotta finish some stuff first k?
Tristan: That’s ok papa I’ll just go play with Uncle Gilthunder
Meliodas throwing his books into the fire: Oh look my work is all caught up hmmm guess we can play now nishishi.
Tristan: Yay! Can Uncle Gil still come?
Meliodas: You bet bud nishishi.
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missmelliemel · 1 year ago
But y'all gotta download your games through Mistplay and open Mistplay to launch the games you play in order to get your rewards... I've already cashed out $30 to my PayPal using Mistplay 😁 here's the screenshot too just so y'all can see
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morereigntoo · 2 years ago
Play games with Toby Regbo 👑 tomorrow March 5th via nowallslive on twitch.
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krausbombit · 2 years ago
Финал Fort Solis
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dimalink · 1 month ago
Acer Aspire V13 – white year
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For long time, I have collected several computers. Which are, by now, their own way, are old machines. More or less. Retro tech. So, this is my white computer. It is made of plastic. Acer Aspire V13. I spent with it many years.
I cannot say it is a gamer computer. But, you can play it, rather, normal about some things, that were modern those days! It is excellent runs with Windows 8. And, whole year, I play with it! I can say, I turn on it in a summer. And I start to explore it, as a retro computer terms, now.
It is absolutely new system installed. And something is installed. So, well, it is not a whole year. But, it is ok to have some year result for white computer. I use it. For games. And what I play. Not so a lot, but there is something. So, this is a list.
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I start play! Summer. 2024. And, most of all, I play in three games! Something I try as - can it launch or not. But, here it is, three games. There are! Quake 3 Quad Damage, Colin Mc Rae Rally 3, Doom 64. Most of all I play these games by weekends. And, a special place! Special prize! I try to find some cool funny game. And I launch several times Captain Goose. Captain goose, dude!! I play not so a lot, so without places. And, I just set it as a list of games, as order of date, I launch them, and, I play these games during year. So, here they are, games I played most of all!
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Quake 3 Quad Damage (Quake 3 Arena + Team Arena)
I remember this game since my sunny and winter days. During my Pentium 2 and accelerators of 3d graphics. Such a hurricane thing. Innovation. Because of, it does not have a casual levels. And, it is, really, like arenas. Locations. You run with them. And all the time - shoot.
Quad Damage – it is edition. It includes version game Arena and Team Arena.
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During Pentium 2 era, I played in only Arena. Well, and, now, during autumn I played this game. So, arena after arena you make complete. So, I walkthrough this game twice. But, well, you can understand it, with most easy levels of difficulty. I can Win and Bring it on! It is first two difficulty levels. But, well, with easy level you can play with fun and with positive!
Graphics is cool and it has some fantastic thing in game. Something like, energy weapon, beams, energy balls, they are flying there. And there are some rockets. You can to select avatar from all of the characters – and, there are lots of them!
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So, to start with easy difficulty level, it is correct to begin with. And, from the start, I cannot to play it well. And, only, some time after. I start to complete one arena after another one. Arenas are very different. And fantastic ones and gothic too. By style. They are very different. As a characters, which runs there. There are lots of them! And, they are very different!
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I, often, to use such dark green thing. Which is shooting very fast. And, more rare, I prefer more slower rocket launcher. It happens, that shotgun – it is interesting. Especially, if to shoot from a short distance in a narrow corridor. From a far – it is, also, possible – but, it is about better aim and it is not so fatal. And, reload time is, rather, normal – second or something like that – in this place, it is big time. So, in a medium case, this dark green fantastic thing is like automatic gun. And, also, there is some fun, at least, with low difficulty levels, railgun. It is like sniper rifle. You need to stay at open space. And take a place higher. And to look all over the part of the arena or all the arena. To observe it. And, with eagle eye shoot, this way you get immediately a frag! So, this is ok to happen! At the low difficulty levels, you can perform such a tricks. I use some weapons features and arena features.
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Cool thing – it is lighting. But, it is not exists on all the arenas. As you aim - it never left your enemy. And, beam with lighting, so good to see! Also, theme. So, I hard to understand, how good to use here a thing, that throws grenades. It is exciting, but I do not understand. You throw. And, you need to wait some time. After - explosion. And, everything is so fast here. No one stands at one place. From other hand, if to use it as, something like, shotgun from a short distance, you shoot at enemy – then, of course, you make a damage. Yes, it is.
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By the way, with this little game – I check computer works. And, with first two difficulty levels it is not so hard to play. And enemies runs. And, you can do everything. So, it is not bad. Very cool!  Lots of arenas! So, this is a good shooter!
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Colin Mc Rae Rally 3
Not only with action, but there is, also, another kind of action. It is racing. For example, rally theme. So, I enter to this territory of rally theme. Arcade rally or like a simulation. Third Colin. It is a serious game for time, when it was released! I am so happy to launch it, at last!
Interesting rally sport is here. I have, already, not big experience with racing. It is Need for Speed 2 Special Edition, Colin Mc Rae Rally 2, Wrc 6. And, so, here it is, third Mac. I like it. Every game gives its own feel of driving. And, its own graphics. So, everything, has a variations! And, some unique way, every developer all these things to see.
There is view from a cabin here, views from a back side (third person view), and there is a view from a hood. Everything you need! And, there are tracks for selection and cars too! Everything exists! But, here you need to play in career mode. For Colin Mc Rae, for example. And, to open a new tracks. After career, you unlock new track in single race mode. And, at start, you have several cars and several track for single race.
And, I am a fan of to have a race - few tracks. And, after, calm way to do some other things! So, this is not about this! All the game – you need to open it! All the things, that exists in game! So, you need to play career mode, also.
Graphics is good. Tracks are interesting. So, I was surprised by narrow track in Britain, or some place, like this. It is very narrow, such little roads, they only for one car, not even little more place. Track in Greece, I remember, also. Roads are good in game! Very different. And mountains and forest. And narrow roads. And asphalt. And, even, between the trees, like you are though the forest to go, there is such moment! When, you at your first time, do this track - it is a wow! Am I going right, or not. I am amongst the trees! And, road is going like this!
Sandy roads, of course. Such a dusty one. There is a damage. So, game makes a good emotions! Need for Speed 2 is cool. And, this game is cool too. Here it is, a rally theme, this is a feature!
I am sorry, that I cannot to do screenshots for this game. All the time, it makes a black screen.
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Doom 64
Dark action game about demons invasion. Part 64. By the way, this version is very different from, so, well known, Doom1, 2 from 90s. It plays absolutely different approach. New atmosphere. But, still same main ideas. New graphics! New levels! Game is cool. Dark.
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Some dark labyrinths, but you are, something like, in space. Such abandoned in space. In a cold and full of monsters space. Some bases. Some monsters. So, it plays rather well as a standalone! And, it is a cool game! They do it cool, that they release a game for PC.
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Levels, by the way, they are straight, so labyrinths. Not easy. For the first time. You, even, need to think. Where to go back, and what to open. Where you miss a button.
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As such a puzzle. In labyrinth. To walk. You perform actions, open a passage. Walk in the different part of the labyrinths. It has its own way about to build a labyrinth.
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Special place
Captain Goose
Well, I cannot say, I play this game a lot! But, I run it and was surprised. So, it is a goose there! I think, it is about a good and kind animals. And, goose is such a goose! Aaa! He has a ship. And he can take a ship. Such a frigate, there, something like, centuries 16-18. Maybe. Aaa. It shoots with cannonball. He is like a real pirate! Well, I play it, a little! It is funny, of course! But, well, I expect from a goose  - good and kind animals, if say the truth! But, anyway, it is cool little game! Ship, you can to upgrade by the way!
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Playing little games. From time to time i like to play videogames. And write about it. Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ TUMBLR: https://dimalink.tumblr.com/
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hashimablog · 5 months ago
☀ʜᴏʟᴀ ɢᴇɴᴛᴇ ǫᴜᴇʀɪᴅᴀ... ʜᴇ ᴠᴜᴇʟᴛᴏ🧐. ᴇsᴘᴇʀᴏ ǫᴜᴇ sᴇᴀ ᴘᴏʀ ᴜɴ ʟᴀʀɢᴏ ᴛɪᴇᴍᴘᴏ, ᴘᴇʀᴏ ʏᴀ 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘴👀
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adkinspamala79 · 2 years ago
Install and Play Honkai: Star Rail
Install and create your character and test it.
Honkai: Star Rail is a new HoYoverse space fantasy RPG. Hop aboard the Astral Express and experience the galaxy's infinite wonders filled with adventure and thrills.
Get more info> https://tinyurl.com/2p4p7833
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i-am-lia · 2 years ago
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mysillycomics · 1 month ago
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